Come, let's talk and reason.


Navigate to Part [1]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 1 — The Saints of Altism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 2 — Holiness and Grace
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 3 — Abolition of the Law
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 4 — The Day of the Lord and the Primates
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[5]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 5 — The Almighty God and The Sabbath
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[6]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 6 — I See, Your Mother's Honesty
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[7]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 7 — The Plagues
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]AIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8TO — The Sabbath and Your Heart's Desires
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]BIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8b — The Sabbath and Your Heart's Desires
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 9 — Reasoning with God
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 10 — The Beasts vs. The law
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]AIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 11 — Nailed to the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]BIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 11 — Nailed to the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 12 — Adam Kept the Sabbath
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]


27 He also said to them: On the Sabbath was made because of man, and not man because of the Sabbath. —JESUS, Almighty God Mark 2:27

The following study is the product of a dream I had last night (Thursday, May 19, 2022). The interesting thing is that I rarely remember what I dream about, and—in my personal experience, I only remember dreams where the Lord gives me a particular message of utmost importance.

In my dream, I was talking to a friend from my childhood—Nazareth. I dreamed that we were talking about the Sabbath, when suddenly the biblical text of Mark 2:27 came to mind. And then I told him “if you don't understand it with this you will NEVER understand it.” Obviously, understand that The seventh day of the week is the Lord's Sabbath, which has never ceased to be in force (LUK. 23:55-56).

When we were teenagers, Názareth and I attended a Baptist school in the Dominican Republic, while we were in seventh grade. That was back in 1991, the date he was baptized in the Baptist Church, for fear of the events of the Persian Gulf War between the United States and Iraq.

Nazareth was afraid that the world was going to end in 1991 and that is why she was baptized. He remained in the ranks of the “gospel” for about 10 years, more or less, and seemed very consecrated. However, he later departed from the faith, but not before dragging false beliefs that would mark him for the rest of his life.. What happens is that when man fears man and not God, it is practically impossible for a tree that is born straight not to end up bent. (PROV. 9:10).

I remember that several years ago we were at a friend's house in New York City, having a meeting of friends from school, since another friend of ours and his wife were visiting us from the Dominican Republic. That was one of the few times that we have talked about the word of God, when he told us about the law of God, telling me: “I do not believe that the law of God saves, only Christ saves.” He made this comment after I had shown him the opposite of the Bible:

14 Blessed are THOSE WHO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.
15 But the dogs will be outside, and the sorcerers, the fornicators, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and makes lies.
16 I Jesus I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright star of wisdom. —REVELATION 22:14-16

I told him about that and other texts, such as Matthew 19:16-19, and he told me again: “yes, I understand that, but I don't believe that any law can save you, only Christ.” Nazareth may have left the Baptist Church, but it is very obvious that the Baptist Church never left his head. Ah, the power of the churches!

And that is the thing, friends, that churches program individuals to throw away the Bible and embrace the doctrines of the sect in which they congregate—all Churches. (ISA. 4:1). Doesn't Revelation 22:16 say “I Jesus "I have sent my angel to testify to you of these things in the churches"? Yeah, “I JESUS”! How can it be possible then that you read to a Christian something that the Bible says directly, and he comes to you with a “but I believe, I don't believe,” either “but the servant says.” Well, continue believing in your father the devil, and where a “it is written” is given and you jump with an “I believe,” you—effectively, are believing and doing the work of your father who begot you. (JOHN 8:44).

It is Jesus who commands you to keep his law so that one day you can see his face (MAT. 19:16-19, HEB. 12:14)), and Nazareth came to me with “but I don't believe that any law can save you.” In this case I should add, Ah, the stupidity of human beings!

Returning to the dream, he said to Nazareth, If you don't understand with this you will never understand with anything. And to break down that text a little, let's look at it again:

27 He also said to them: On the Sabbath was made because of man, and not man because of the Sabbath. —JESUS, Almighty God Mark 2:27

That is, just as Jesus said that “The Sabbath was made for man,” That's right—it must be. And the man here refers to that same thing, to the man; not to the Mexican man, but to the man. Not the Canadian man either, but the man. And—although this may shock you in your mind contaminated by the doctrines of your church, nor does it refer to the Jewish man, but to the man. That is, unless you believe that Adam was a Jew. Yes, the same Adam to whom in the same creation God gave the same law that was given to Moses on Sinai:

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, From every tree of the garden you may eat;
17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die. —GENESIS 2:16-17

It is interesting to note that if you turn to the creation account in Genesis 1 and 2 and pay careful attention, you will notice that everything that man needed for life was created before man himself. Everything, except for one very curious exception. First, God creates the heavens and the earth (GEN. 1:1). And the earth is the habitat where God placed man, with fresh air to breathe. Then God creates light, separates the waters, creates the sun and the moon, the plants, the animals of the sea and the land, and allocates food, and eventually creates man. (GEN. 1:1-30). That is, all of this was created for the sake of man—for the benefit of man, since man is the glory of God in creation. (1 COR. 11:7).

It is important to note here that although the details of the creation of man do not come until Genesis 2:7 onwards, it was in Genesis 1:26-27 where its creation is first mentioned. That is, man was created before God rested on Saturday. In a sense this breaks the order that everything God made for man he created before man. What happens is that here is a detail that no evangelical group deigns to study and understand: Adam kept the Sabbath together with God at creation, and that is why Jesus said:

27 He also said to them: On the Sabbath was made for man's sake, and not man because of the Sabbath. —JESUS, Almighty God (Mark 2:27)

This text itself should be more than enough to understand that the Sabbath must be observed by man. That is, observed by all flesh (ISA 66:22-23)—for your own benefit, and that this is not an optional commandment, for no commandment of God is optional. However, God does not leave his word to the vacillation of the corrupt interpretations of the heart of man, but if we search the scriptures, in them we will find eternal life  (JOHN 5:39). And in them we find—

7 But they, like Adam, they crossed the covenant; there they transgressed against me. —HOSEA 6:7

In short—again, Adam kept the Sabbath, because if Adam one day transgressed the covenant (THE LAW) it is because—let us reason, one day he first kept it. And the Sabbath—aside from the fact that it was created for man, it is part of the fourth commandment of that same covenant, which Adam once violated, just as Israel did.

God's law was given from creation, and Hosea 6:7 confirms it. That is why we see Cain in Genesis 4 denying before God about Abel's whereabouts, Well, Cain knew that he violated a law, the law of God!

6 For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.

7 But they, like Adam, transgressed the covenant; there they transgressed against me.

8 Gilead, city of workers of iniquity, stained with blood.

9 And how thieves that wait for some man, so a company of priests kill on the road to Shechem; so they committed abomination.

10 In the house of Israel I have seen filth; over there fornicated Ephraim, and Israel was defiled.

11 For you also, O Judah, a harvest is prepared, when I bring back the captivity of my people. —HOSEA 6:4-11

Remember that God confronted Cain for killing his brother Abel (GEN. 4:8-12). Did Cain exist and know the law of the ten commandments that says “thou shalt not kill”? Of course yes, because God had already said “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat […] (GEN. 2:17). If not, then God punished Cain unjustly., well where there is no law, there is no transgression (ROM. 4:15), nor sin (ROM. 5:13). That is the pact that speaks Hosea, the law of God, where “thou shalt not eat” represents thou shalt not violate the law.

That symbolizes eating the forbidden fruit, violating the law of God, which in turn produces sin as fruit, and this in turn brings death. (ROM. 6:23). Everything is connected.

The evangelical world does not even tread these waters, but the text of Genesis 2:16-17 It does not refer to any literal tree or fruit, but is a symbol of the law of God, which right here is given to man when God said “thou shalt not eat.”  In our studio The Law, The Jews & You We expand the details of this, [1]The Law, The Jews & You [STUDY, CristoVerdad] But for now you should know that the tree of knowledge represents the law of God, something that Paul explains in a very clear and simple way:

7 What shall we say, then? Is the law a sin? In no way. But I did not know sin except through the law; for neither would I know covetousness, unless the law said, Thou shalt not covet. —ROMANS 7:7

The law makes us know sin (evil), just as the tree of knowledge makes us know the difference between good and evil (sin). Remember that if you know good it is because you already know evil, and if he knows evil it is because he already knows good. And that is precisely the purpose of the law towards man, to make known the difference between good and evil, so that we do good. (SGO. 4:17) and come to Christ (ROM. 10:4). And the seventh day of rest is part of that law, don't forget it (EXD. 20:8-11). That is, to reject that day is to do evil—to sin. Don't you believe it?

4 Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; for sin is a violation of the law.
5 And you know that he appeared to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him.
6 Whoever abides in him does not sin [KEEP THE LAW]; everyone who sins has not seen him or known him.
7 Little children, let no one deceive you; He who does justice is just, as he is just.
8 He who practices sin is of the devil; because the devil sins from the beginning. For this the Son of God appeared, to undo the works of the devil.  —1 JOHN 3:4-8

To sin is to violate the law that you are denying, dear reader. And no sinner will reach heaven (HEB. 12:14, APC. 22:14-16). The same Law that Jesus said he did not come to abolish (MAT. 5:17), but that the church of his friend, abolished it in his heart, with its false teachings, just as God warned what would happen (DAN. 7:25). And it is precisely the heart of man where God has laid down his law, and the stone tablets are simply a reminder of what you must keep in your mind. (JER. 31:31-33).

1 So the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their host.
2 And God finished the work that he did on the seventh day; and rested on the seventh day of all the work he did.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because in him he rested from all the work he had done in creation. —GENESIS 2:1-3

I told Nazareth in the dream, once everything was created because of man. With passion he told him:

  1. God created water, and you drink water, right?
  2. God created the sun, and you need the sun, right?
  3. God created the air, and you breathe, right?
  4. God created food, and you still eat it, right?
  5. God created woman, and you have a woman, right?
  6. And if God created the Sabbath for man, why don't you want to save it?
  7. Or maybe you're not a man?

This destroys the atheist's notion that things came into existence just for the sake of it, without any purpose. And that's where my dream ended, when I woke up. And Christians usually go that far, because when they have to reason, they turn back right there. The devil has turned them into beasts, because only a beast cannot reason. And here we are not reasoning according to the lusts of our heart, for it is deceitful. (JER. 17:9), but according to the principles of the word of God, it is written, since God is a being who reasons—

6 The LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:
7 Now gird your loins like a man; I will ask you, and you will answer me.
8 Will you also invalidate my judgment? Will you condemn me, to justify yourself?
9 Do you have an arm like God's? And you crack with a voice like hers? —JOB 40:7-9

And the law of God—ALL, will be the scale by which each human being will be judged—

8 If you truly fulfill the royal law, according to the Scripture: You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you do well;

9 but if you are a respecter of persons, you commit sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors.

10 For whoever keeps the whole law, but if he offends in one point, he becomes guilty of all.

11 Because he who said: You will not commit adultery, has also said: you will not kill. Now, if you do not commit adultery, but kill, you have already become a transgressor of the law.

12 Thus speak, and thus do, as those who must be judged by the law of liberty.

13 For judgment without mercy will be done to him who shows no mercy; and mercy triumphs over judgment. —JAMES 2:8-13

Forgive me for insisting on my reasoning, but I ask, How can you be a transgressor of a law that is abolished, how? Didn't James write after the crucifixion of Christ? And wasn't the law nailed to the cross? Why do we see the disciples observing the Sabbath immediately after Jesus' death? (LUK. 23:55-56) Does the scripture contradict itself or is there something here that you are not understanding?

The Apostle James makes it clear that it is through the law that God will judge us all. And he warns us that no mercy will be shown to those who do not show mercy. But what does that have to do with the law? All-

23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and you leave the most important of the law: justice, MERCY and faith. This was necessary to do, without stopping doing that. —MATHEW 23:23

Mercy is an intrinsic part of the law, and it will not be given to you for rejecting that same law. The decision is yours, there is still time, “get out of there…” (ISA. 52:11, APC. 18:5) and “Call to me…” (JER. 33:3) says the lord in his word..

God reasons with man, but can man contend with God?

1 Furthermore, Jehovah answered Job and said:
2 Is it wisdom to contend with the Almighty? He who disputes with God, answer this.
3 Then Job answered the Lord, and said:
4 Behold, I am vile; what will I answer you? I put my hand over my mouth.
5 I once spoke, but I will not answer; Even twice, but I will not speak again. —JOB 40:1-5

Interestingly, Job also adds:

1 Behold, my eyes have seen all these things, And heard and understood my ears.
2 As you know, I know; I am not less than you.
3 But I would talk to the Almighty, And I would like to reason with God.

4 Because certainly you are forgers of lies; You are all zero doctors. —JOB 13:3-4

Moral: shut your mouth and listen to God, not man. and God said—

27 He also said to them: On the Sabbath It was made for man, and not man because of the Sabbath.
28 Therefore, The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. —JESUS, Almighty God (Mark 2:27)

And if Jesus is the lord of the Sabbath, seventh day of rest, I ask, What is—then—the day of the Lord? I'll leave you with homework.


“Come out of her, my people (APC. 18:4)

Next ➜ PART 10

Navigate to Part [1]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 1 — The Saints of Altism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 2 — Holiness and Grace
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 3 — Abolition of the Law
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 4 — The Day of the Lord and the Primates
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[5]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 5 — The Almighty God and The Sabbath
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[6]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 6 — I See, Your Mother's Honesty
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[7]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 7 — The Plagues
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]AIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8TO — The Sabbath and Your Heart's Desires
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]BIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 8b — The Sabbath and Your Heart's Desires
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 9 — Reasoning with God
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 10 — The Beasts vs. The law
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]AIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 11 — Nailed to the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]BIrrefutable Text of the Day, No. 11 — Nailed to the Cross
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]Irrefutable Text of the Day, No. 12 — Adam Kept the Sabbath
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

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