Peter McCullough (Texas A&M) Destruye La Vacuna del Covid-19

Peter McCullough (Texas A&M) Destroys Covid-19 Vaccine

Renowned Cardiologist Exposes the Lies and Agenda Behind It


The renowned World cardiologist, Peter McCullogh exposes the lies about the Covid-19 pandemic, Vaccines, and those who are carrying it out. He Delcara

“By Far, This Is The Most Lethal And Toxic Biological Agent Ever Injected Into A Human Body In American History.” —Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist, Clinical Professor, Texas A&M University

LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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Cambiando Nuestro ADN con La Vacuna Covid-19, Bill Gates

Changing Our DNA with the Covid-19 Vaccine, Bill Gates

El Tsar de La Vacuna Nos Explica


Bill Gates, El Nuevo Tsar de Las Vacunas, Nos cuenta como las Vacunas del Covid-19 sesrán usadas para modificar nuestro ADN.

LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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La Historia de un Coyote, Conozca al Pastor “Louis Vuitton”

The Story of a Coyote, Meet Pastor “Louis Vuitton”

The Fraud of the Churches

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”He Vivido Una Buena Vida”, Agenda 21

”I Have Lived a Good Life”, Agenda 21

The Elders Say Goodbye

DESCRIPTION: The elders said goodbye in the year 2021. See the last two issues of this date, and that has become a reality: The UN's sinister plan, in your own face.

LINK, original video (full) [1] Kary Mullis on Fauci [VIDEO 00:02:40]
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IMANES en La Carne: ¿Por Qué Los Imanes Se Pegan a Las Carnes Empacadas?

MAGNETS in Meat: Why Do Magnets Stick to Packaged Meats?

Attacks on all fronts

DESCRIPTION: Here we see supermarket meats with the same magnetic properties that we have seen in people who have received one of the “different” Covid-19 vaccines.

Our immune system is a marvel of God's creation, and those behind the COVID-19 vaccines know it. That is why we are being bombarded on all fronts, to submit us both physically and mentally. And to those who do not submit...

LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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Me Puse La Vacuna de Johnson & Johnson y…

I Got The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine And…

Young lady tells us her story, from the Hospital


Young girl gets the Johnson and Johnson injection for Covid-19 and is rushed to the hospital the next day with cerebral anuerysm (blood clots in the brain).

LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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Michael Yeadon: “TODO Es Mentira”

Michael Yeadon: “EVERYTHING IS A LIE”

Former Pfizer Executive and Scientist Reveals the “Pandemic” Hoax


Dr. Michael Yeadon, long-time vice president of Pfizer and its highest-ranking scientist, reveals the Coronavirus Fiasco and calls on everyone to fight for freedom.


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  • LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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    Banjamín Goodman, La Vacuna del COVID-19 Lo Mató

    Banjamín Goodman, The COVID-19 Vaccine Killed Him

    A Murder, His Parents Say


    Devastated parents tell the sad story of the death of their son, Benjamin, from Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine. A young man of only 32 years of age dies suddenly, 12 hours after receiving the injection. His parents call this a murder and make a call

    LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
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    La Hoja En Blanco: La Historia de Una Vacuna

    The Blank Sheet: The Story of a Vaccine

    As By The Art Of “Magic”


    Female Pharmacist Opens a New Box of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine, Only to Realize That the Information Sheet Insert was Blank.

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    Desde Cama de Hosiptal, Mujer Advierte SOBRE LA VACUNA del COVID-19

    From Hospital Bed, Woman Warns ABOUT COVID-19 VACCINE

    Vacunados vs. No Vacunados

    DESCRIPTION: Mujer paciente en un hospital ADVIERTE que los pacientes vacunados con las dos dósis de la vacuna del Covid-19 están todos entubados, y que los no vacunados “están más suave”.

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    Más Allá de Los Estigmas, Iglesia Adventista Sodomiza a Los Niños

    Beyond Stigmata, Adventist Church Sodomizes Children

    Redefine sin, pervert your children

    DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist Church openly perverts your children, blasphemes against God

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    Vacuna del Covid-19 Dan Positivo al Virus del VIH, Dra. María José

    Covid-19 Vaccine Tests Positive for HIV Virus, Dr. María José

    Universidad Australiana detiene Ensayos Clínicos Tras el Hallazgo

    DESCRIPTION: La Doctora María Isabel, de España, nos expande de los conflictos que hay con la vacuna del Covid-19.

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    Bill Gates, Eisenhower, LAS VACUNAS,  y La Despoblación del Mundo

    Bill Gates, Eisenhower, VACCINES, and The Depopulation of the World

    An Agenda in Motion, the People Who Fallen Asleep

    DESCRIPTION: Former US President Dwight Eisenhower “warned” us, Bill Gates rose to the occasion, and the world did not listen.

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    El Fracaso de Las Vacunas, Anthony Fauci

    The Failure of Vaccines, Anthony Fauci

    Vaccine Failure

    DESCRIPTION: Anthony Fauci tells us about getting infected after being vaccinated.

    LINK, original video (full) [1] Kary Mullis on Fauci [VIDEO 00:02:40]
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    Realidad Anticipada: La Plaga

    Anticipated Reality: The Plague

    The “Coronavirus” Makes Its Entry

    DESCRIPTION: 2003: Our present, 16 years ago. The Coronavirus “pandemic” is presented in 2003, with details that will leave no doubt that we are living an anticipated and programmed reality.

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    2012 vs. 2020: HOY, Tal Como Nos Lo Dijeron Ayer

    2012 vs. 2020: HOY, Tal Como Nos Lo Dijeron Ayer


    información y eventos que defininen el fin del tiempo, en poco tiempo


    Programación Predictiva, Una “Enferemedad” Global: Londres

    DESCRIPTION: Our reality controlled by the elites, and the world still does not believe. The famous pandemic, the deaths of Kobe Bryant and George Floyd have been a carefully orchestrated plan to subdue your conscience.

    LINK, original video (full) [to] Legends of The Cahmberland Heights [VIDEO 00:03:20]
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    Alejandro Bullón TE MANDA a Adorar al diablo

    Alejandro Bullón COMMANDS YOU to Worship the devil

    The idol of crowds has his own idol

    continue ""

    Lucifer y La Vacuna del Covid-19, Christiane Nortrhup

    Lucifer and the Covid-19 Vaccine, Christiane Nortrhup

    Human Antennas and the Mark of the Beast

    DESCRIPTION: The former devil leaves his mark, and it's in the vaccine. Dr. Christiane Northrup tells us about genetic manipulation through the dangerous Covid-19 vaccine, “the end of freedom,” and a very particular ingredient.

    Here is Microsoft Patent WO060606 referenced by Dr. Northrup (PatentScope). [1] Patent WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data [LINK, PatentScope]


    Publication number
    International application
    International presentation date
    G06T 06/20 2012.1, G06Q 20/32 2012.1, H04L 9/32 2006.1, G06Q 02/30 2012.1
    G06N 3/08 2006.1
    G06F 3/011, G06N 3/045, G06N 3/047, G06N 3/08, G06Q 20/065
    G06Q 20/18
    See more rankings
    One Microsoft Wat Redmon, Washington 98052-6399, United States
    ABRAMSON, Dustin
    FU, Derrick
    JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.
    MINHAS, Sandip S.
    CHEN, Wei-Chen Nicolas
    HINOJOSA, Brianna L.
    HOLMES, Danielle J.
    SWAIN, Cassandra T.
    WONG, Thomas S.
    CHOI, Daniel
    HWANG, William C.
    WIGHT, Stephen A.
    CHATTERJEE, Aaron C.
    JARDINE, John S.
    GOLDPHERE, Micah P.
    Tran, Kimberly
    PEREZ, Edgar
    Priority data
    16/138,518 09/21/2018 US
    Publishing Language
    English in)
    Presentation language English (EN)
    Designated States […]

    Most recent bibliographic data on file at the International Office


    The activity of the human body associated with a task provided to a user can be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a user's device that is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled or composed on the user's device may detect the user's bodily activity. Body activity data may be generated based on the detected body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the user's device may verify whether the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified. (FR) The activity of the human body associated with a task provided to a user can be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server can provide a task to a user's device that is paired to communicate with the server. A sensor paired to communicate with or within a user's device can detect the user's body activity. Body activity data can be generated based on the body activity detected by the user. The cryptocurrency system of the present invention coupled to communicate with the user's device can verify whether the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions defined by the cryptocurrency system, and assign a cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified. Related Patent Documents US20200097951


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