On one occasion the comedian Mario Moreno, “Cantinflas”, in one of his legendary films titled “El Patrullero 777”, exchanged his police uniform with the priest who would lend him his cassock to save an individual who wanted to jump into the void from a building. The man wanted to talk to a priest, but he was afraid of heights.

The agent, with the priestly cassock already on, says to the priest—How good you look dressed as a police officer—to which the priest responded:
“Yes, but I don't bite.”

Biting in Mexico, under the police context, is bribing or perhaps also extorting a citizen in an abusive manner to obtain money from them. It is police crime. I'm not sure if that term, mordida, also applies to the other government institutions in Mexico which, by the way, as in all of Latin America, are supernaturally corrupt. This is why governments get along so well with churches.

Crime in our governments is greater than street crime.

The priest tells Cantinflas that “HE DOESN'T BITE.” However, the comedian, with the answer always on his lips, responds—But he takes alms, it's the same thing.

I spent years laughing out loud because of that expression.

Today, “they” do not consider themselves to be biting or extorting, “BUT THEY TAKE THE TITH, which is the same thing.”


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