Honoring Adam and Stephen in Adventist Babylon



The guide is completely free, if ordered within the United States. You will only pay the shipping costs. The organization distributes it through AdventSource, the main publication portal of the Adventist Church on the Internet.

DESCRIPTION: The Adventist Church publishes a guide for relatives and friends of homosexual individuals, teaching—among other things, that homosexual weddings should be “attended” and that gay “marriage” should be “HONORED.” Here we present the translation of some multi-page sections of said satanic guide, published by The Satanic Church of the “Seventh” Day.

GUIDE:  Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones, Adventist Edition by Bill Henson
TRANSLATION: Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones Edition Adventist, by Bill Henson
ISBN: 978-0-9987425-4-0

The guide is distributed by AdventSource, the main advertising portal for the Adventist Church worldwide. [to]Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones
[BOOK, Adventist Church]
The Adventist church not only “produces” this material, but openly recommends it. [b]New Resource, Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: Adventist Edition, Previewed at April Meeting at NAD Headquarters
[LINK, Adventist Church]



The guide is only the result of a series of documents that the Adventist Institution published in 2015, shortly after homosexual marriage was legalized in the United States, thus legalizing (The Adventist Church) homosexuality in the confines of that worldly organization. -religious. [c]An Understanding of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care. Position Paper, Theological Seminary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Oct. 9, 2015
[VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

The church has not openly said that it legalizes homosexuality, but rather has put policies in place that demonstrate it, and the publication of this guide is further evidence of that. None of this is isolated, but something that has been well planned for a long time and is being perfectly executed by this institution that Satan has proudly left on this earth, because they have even asked for forgiveness from homosexuals. [d]Adventist Church Asks Forgiveness to Homosexuals, Opens “Space for All”
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]
and they fiercely advocate for the gay cause. [and] Adventist Church Battles in Favor Gay Marriage — Prop 8 — SDA Church Battles in Favor Gay Marriage, Prop 8
[VIDEO 00:05:04, CristoVerdad]

Rhonda Dindwiddie is the result of these policies made policy by the Adventist denomination.

Jonathan Henderson, pastor, chaplain, and teacher at the Pacific Union University, preaches what is in these Adventist publications.

Interestingly, this guide was published by evangelical pastor Bill Henson, through his ministry Lead Them Home and his publishing house. Posture Shift Books.



Changing position, says Bill Henson—and the Adventist Church, without compromising biblical truths. Is that possible? Of course not!

The Adventist edition is an extract from the evangelical version, with some variants, but the message is the same. We obtain a super interesting fact if we compare the page 47 of the Adventist version with page 67 from the evangelical edition: WEDDINGS. The vast majority of the text used is almost exact, but there is one super important detail: the last two paragraphs, omitted in the Adventist version.

The first of these last two paragraphs presents the history of Andrew, a grandmother who—according to this fabricated story, falls into disgrace for not attending her homosexual son's wedding, her lack of contact with her grandchildren. The second paragraph is a prayer of blessing by an evangelical pastor about his son's marriage to his same-sex partner. If you compare both versions you will realize that they are almost exact, except for the omission, and a replay of words. That is, the evangelical version presents a pastor praying—officiating—at the wedding of his homosexual son. In other words, blessing and honoring homosexual marriage, as the Adventist version also presents in the page 46, which we previously showed you.

The fact that the Adventist Church extracts and uses material from which a gay wedding is officiated is because that is what is coming—openly, for this satanic denomination. After all, they already announced it: “LET'S PREPARE FOR CHANGE.” [f]1Prepare for Change, Adventist Church, Part 1 [STUDY, CristoVerdad] [f]2Prepare for Change, Adventist Church, Part 2 [STUDY, CristoVerdad]

And let's not forget that this guide was prepared and published for the Adventist Church by the book publishing house Posture Shift. One more time, Change of Posture. The Adventist church paid to put this guide in your hands, free of charge. Or we could say that you financed it with your tithes and offerings. Adventist Friend, are you understanding this?

Adventist prophet Ellen White said the following:

The Word of God gives no license to any man to oppose his judgment to that of the church, nor does it allow him to insist on his opinions contrary to its own.” —TESTIMONIES FOR THE CHURCH, Volume 1, p. 471.2

Well, you judge the judgment of your church. Now, where does the Bible say that God does not give license to any man to oppose his judgment to that of the Church—Adventist in this case? MMM…


“Come out of Ella My People(APC. 18:4)



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