6 Jesus said to him: I am the way, and the truth, AND LIFE; No one comes to the Father except through me. —JOHN 14:6


This is Jesus; This is life, our savior. And what else does the Lord teach us about life?

16 Then one came and said to him: Good teacher, What good will I do to have eternal life?
17 He said to him: Why do you call me good? There is none good but one: God. Further if you like enter into life, keep the commandments. —MATHEW 19:16-17

So we see that Jesus is the source of life, and that the way he emanates that life is through his holy law. (APC. 22:14-16).

The opposite of life is death—it pays for sin (ROM. 6:23). And sin—in turn, is the fruit of the violation of that law that Jesus—our savior, observed (JOHN 15:10) And he recommended to the rich young man to keep (MAT. 19:16-19), if he wanted to take part in eternal life. (1 JOHN 3:4)

A few months ago, our ministry ChristTruth sent a question to “Pastor” David Gates:

Why haven't you spoken out against the practice of abortion that the Adventist Church not only has as a policy in its hospitals, but also faithfully practices every day?

We have always known that David Gates, having been director of Adventist hospitals, had to be aware of the murders—which many prefer to call abortions—that have been carried out for more than 6 decades in the “health” centers of the church of [God.

Yes, the Adventist church kills, and this is the way it does it...

David Gates' answer to our question was that he  “I knew what was happening,” but what “God didn't call me to talk about that…” that “There are other leaders talking about it.” To begin with, that is totally false, 100% lying; no paid “leader” of the Adventist Church is talking about that; everyone is getting paid, while innocent children are being dismembered everywhere—even on the Sabbath, by executive order of the Corporation of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists [7] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company
(official name of the church). However, those words from David Gates resonate with point no. 4  of the policies of the Adventist Church on abortion: [a]1ABORTION, The Policies of the “Seventh” Adventist Church
[LINK, Adventist Church

“The church should not serve as a conscience for individuals…”

These policies were updated in 2018, and we covered those changes in another study, and here is the link. [r]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafael Díaz and the “Seventh” Day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]

Essentially, Davíd Gates is repeating those same words when he says that “God didn't call him to talk about that.” No, the Adventist church is not the conscience of anyone who serves God, of course. However, David Gates tells you—and me, that “The Adventist Church is the people of God.". He also tells you that “we must not abandon the Adventist Church…” In short, he does not serve as your conscience to admonish you about obeying what God says. On the contrary, when he makes that proclamation, and—when the institution that he defends so much also tells you that “this is the ship, the true Church of God”—in essence, your consciousness is programmed to believe that folly; because if you believe that nonsense, it is not because the Bible says so (APC. 14:12), but because they have served as your conscience so that you believe such stupidity.

We challenge David Gates to to deny this testimony publicly, where he stated that “God did not call [him] to talk about that.” If you know him, send him this article, and let him make us look ridiculous—publicly, if we are speaking lies.

So God didn't call him to talk about that.… Mmm, we imagine that when God said “thou shalt not kill”, that commandment was not for David Gates, much less for the Eighth Day Adventist Whore. and that neitheror “cry out loud” It wasn't for every follower of Christ, Mmm... [e]1 “Seventh” Day Adventist BABYLON, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome [VIDEO, 1:33:01] [e]2 “Seventh Day” Adventist BABYLON Part 2: Apologetic Distortion —Ted Wilson Jesuit [VIDEO,2:27:33] [e]3 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 3: Worshiping Our god [VIDEO, 1:35:31] [e]4 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North
[VIDEO, 1:50:15]

Us-ChristTruth, we reached out to Andrew Mitchell, with his YouTube Channel Prolife Andrew (Andrew Pro-life), David Gates' position on abortion. Andrew Mitchell—another Adventist, but who has a doctorate in pointing out this crime in Adventist Babylon, [3] Why do Adventists support abortion? [Spanish]. — Prolife Andrew [VIDEO, 00:19:02] and he is characterized by having sent (up to this moment)—according to him, close to a thousand letters—and counting, to the different wolves—that many of you call leaders, questioning their silence on the matter.

Apparently, Andrew Mitchell contacted the uncle of death, and this—seeing that this matter kind of got out of hand, he has now made a public announcement “condemning” the practice that “our church” is committing. [1] David Gates blasts abortions in Seventh-day Adventist hospitals as Moloch worship [Loma Linda] [VIDEO,00:1:51] This reaction is a classic case of “Damage control”—as they would say in English, or damage control, to use a popular phrase, in the face of a situation that was out of their control.

Without mentioning names, particularly omitting the name of the leader of “our church” and this practice, Ted-Jesuit Wilson, [2] TED WILSON, The Adventist Church and The “False” Sunday Law — What About Protestants and Catholics? [VIDEO,00:15:03] [3] Why do Adventists support abortion? — Prolife Andrews [VIDEO,00:19:02] [b]A “Seventh Day” Adventist BABYLON Part 2: Apologetic Distortion —Ted Wilson Jesuit [VIDEO,2:27:33] President of The Eighth Day Abortion Corporation, Gates says we have become a church that “sacrifices children to Molech.” Although this statement is correct, in ChristTruth We prefer to use more modern and direct language: the Adventist Church has become a church that sacrifice children to the devil himself.

If Loma Linda is one of the hospitals that sacrifices children to the devil the most in California, it is because all types of abortions are performed there—by and large, and not just using the cheap—and satanic—excuses of Gates and Ted Wilson, who They are something like Batman and Robin, inseparable companions—in Adventist Babylon, of course.

David Gates' video, although short, is substantial. It is in English and here we have the translation (subtitles), accompanied by a brief analysis, thus unmasking the intentions of this predatory wolf.

This “Jehovah's anointed”—as that is what they call murderous men in those environments like David Gates, Stephen Bohr, [d]OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”, Esteban Bohr, Jesuit/Assassin [VIDEO,2:55:34] Ted Wilson, etc., also says that Loma Linda, the main morgue of the Adventist Church, “is one of the hospitals that performs the most abortions in California.” and as if this were not enough, “Uncle David” tells you that he does support abortion, “as long as it is to save the mother's life”. That is, killing one life to save another... Something like what happened with Jesus and Barabbas. Can you connect the dots?

Now—with the matter of Barabbas and Jesus, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is the only (human) sacrifice accepted by the Father, since the blood of Christ is so that there may be life—so that there may be no more abortions (JOHN 10:10). The Adventist Church has this formula completely reversed.  Perhaps in the future we will contact David Gates again to give us the Biblical text where he says that God supports killing a baby (life) to save the mother (another life life).

We could also ask Ted Wilson—and the Adventist organization in general—to show us where the Bible says that a baby must be killed if it is the product of “rape or incest,” or if it comes with a “congenital defect.” ”. Once again, these are teachings that Gates, Wilson—and many others, draw directly from the policies of the Adventist Church:

4. The church should not serve as conscience for individuals; Either way, it should provide moral guidance. Abortion for reasons of birth control, sex selection, or convenience is not tolerated by the church. However, sometimes Women may face some exceptional circumstance that presents serious moral or medical dilemmas such as a significant threat to life of the pregnant woman, serious dangers to your health, severe congenital defects carefully diagnosed in the fetus, and pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. The final decision regarding termination of pregnancy or not should be done by the pregnant woman after proper consultation. To make her decision, she must be helped with precise information, biblical principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, these decisions are best made within the context of a healthy family relationship. ABORTION, Position of the Adventist Church, (Point No.4)  [a]1 ABORTION, The Policies of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church
[LINK, Official]

Let us remember that the issue of Ted Wilson and abortion is a problem that comes from the roots. Let us not forget the now legendary words of his father Neal, former president of the Adventist Church, who on behalf of his Church said that abortion was necessary to control world hunger and overpopulation. Neal C. Wilson also said that you—as a Seventh-day Adventist, you bow to this posture. If your church says these things it is because they know very well that it is you who make all this possible when you put the coin in the tithe plate and meet in their satanic synagogues every Sabbath.

If you watch the video of Ted Wilson (below), when he is asked what the Church's position is on abortion, you will notice that he never answers the question; rather, he says that you "Seventh-day Adventists…"

You say that what the leaders do does not matter to you, because they will answer to God, while they say that you are the one who runs the whole show, because they—in reality, they are your employees, since you are the one who pays them their salaries. You are the author of all this, and not they, and—as such, also you will give an account to God.

David Gates knows all this, and knows very well the agenda of Ted Wilson and the mega Corporation that he “chairs”, yet he continues to say “Pastor Ted Wilson is a man of God.” David Gates is simply a dog that licks his master's hands—and his master is not in heaven.

With glasses that cover his eyes—well the eyes don't lie, gagging, and constantly looking to the side, as if he were receiving instructions on what to say, or perhaps reading a “tele prompter”, this guy tells you that “our leaders are making decisions, the members are making decisions.” But it doesn't tell you about that decision that you have made, to finance abortion—and war—PORNOGRAPHY, with your tithes and your offerings, [4] Tithing, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO, 3:22:56] [5] Your Tithes in the Stock Market, [ARTICLE] [6] Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War and Pronography, [ARTICLE, News] [7] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company
when in places like Africa and Venezuela people are eating their way out because there is “nothing” to buy food.

Uncle David also doesn't tell you about that decision that you have made to stay in Babylon, when God said

11Depart, depart, get out of there, do not touch anything unclean; come out from the midst of her; Purify yourselves who carry the vessels of Jehovah. —ISAIAH 52:11

And to prove to all of you that the “uncle” He is not telling you “lies” without basis, here I leave you evidence again, directly from the Loma Linda Hospital website, [8]a Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [ARTICLE, Official Document Translation] [8]b Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Original (English) p.3, Para. A, A1] where they not only dismember children, but also make sex change surgeries so that every Adam not only feels like Eve, but also is like Eve.

While he now publicly “condemns” abortion, David Gates—however, doesn't tell you that for decades he has known of the thousands—perhaps millions, of children who have had the misfortune of going through the visturíz—and the tongs and medicines of the Adventist Church, at the same time that he has remained silent. And while this has been happening, he has told you that this is the ark where all must enter, and from which no one must leave.

Both David Gates and his colleague in sin—the president of Adventist Babylon, Ted Wilson—are well aligned with the policies—again, made policies—of that institution that you maintain—and uphold, to your own downfall.

Recently we also analyzed that video of Ted Wilson, recorded and broadcast by the Adventist television network 3ABN, a station where the devil publishes some of his best educational programs. [b]1 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North [VIDEO,1:50:15] [b]2 THE EDUCATE children of the devil — Allah, Adventist god: LGBT perversion in Loma Linda [VIDEO, 2:11:46] Here we have it for you, and—with document in hands, we show you that Uncle David is nothing other than an emissary of the devil himself, who—in Adventist Babylon, is incarnated in the Person of Ted Wilson; Which one I love, which dog. It is imperative that you watch this video in its entirety and pay very, very close attention to it.

It is interesting to note that Andrew Mitchell, who posted both videos on his YouTube channel, never analyzes or criticizes them; He simply presents them as a source of truth, exonerating both David Gates and possibly Ted Wilson, of being very active participants in this sin in the Adventist Church. While it is true that on occasions he has been somewhat critical of Ted Wilson, he has never been critical of David Gates.

Although Andrew Mitchell has been—in many ways, a champion in pointing out this crime against God and against neighbor in Adventist Babylon, here we can see that at the end of the day he is just that—a Seventh-day Adventist, with a black cloud hanging over him. rests on him. Andrew Mitchell has failed to see the subtlety of the statements of both wolves that we have unmasked here, and that he is presenting them to the world as two men of God. Will Mitchell be another predatory wolf? Well, time will tell.

The point is that the Adventist Church is a place of death—both physical and spiritual. However, my dear friends and brothers, where Jesus dwells there can be no death, for—

[10] The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and so that they have it in abundance. —JOHN 10:10

There can't be homosexuals either—

4 He, responding, lit's dijo: Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning, male and female he made them,
5 and said: For this reason heman will leave father and mother, and will join his wife, and the two will be one flesh?
6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh; Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. —MATHEW 19:4-6

No, there can't be homosexuals—

17 Let there be no harlot among the daughters of Israel, nor is there sodomite from among the children of Israel.
18 You will not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog to the house of Jehovah your God by no vote; for both the one and the other are an abomination to the Lord your God. —DEUTERONOMY 23:17-18

And although the Adventist Church tells you otherwise,

“We emphatically affirm that homosexual people they have a place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” [c] An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Position Paper, Theological Seminary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Spanish/English (21 pages) [DOCUMENT, Official] ORna Understanding the Biblical View of Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Position Paper, Theological Seminary of the Adventist Church of the Seventh Day (Spanish/English) (21 pages) (p.17, par. 2, PDF p.19)

God tells you—

11 Depart, depart, get out of there, do not touch anything unclean; come out from the midst of it; purify yourselves you who carry the vessels of Jehovah.—ISAIAH 52:11

So, if you walk through a place where death is practiced, while holiness is rejected, understand that this is because Jesus does not dwell in that place, because he is "Holy" (1 PET. 1:16) (EPH. 5:1-7), and a God of life—and of the living, and not of death—much less of the dead. But don't worry, if you are already used to that place and don't want to leave it, you won't stay alone; there you will have a host of honor [m]1. Another thing, if you have accepted all this as something normal, and that you don't have to do anything because “God is going to take care of that,” You also need to start questioning who your real father is. [m]2 We can help you with that too, all in one place—the word of God:

44 You belong to your father the devil [m]1, and you want to do your father's wishes.  He has been a HOMICIDE from the beginning, and has not abided in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; because he is a liar, and [m]2lying father. —JOHN 8:44


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NOTE: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] link to Supplementary Material.
Photos also expand content: videos, news, links, etc.

[r] La Sola Scriptura Not So Sola, Rafel Díaz and The “Seventh” Day Adventists]
[1] David Gates blasts abortions in Seventh-day Adventist hospitals as Moloch worship [Loma Linda] [VIDEO,00:1:51]
[2] TED WILSON, The Adventist Church and The “False” Sunday Law — What About Protestants and Catholics? [VIDEO,00:15:03]
[3] Why do Adventists support abortion? — Prolife Andrews [VIDEO,00:19:02]
[4] Tithe, Money Death — Will Man Steal From God? [VIDEO, 3:22:56]
[5] Your Tithes in the Stock Market, [ARTICLE]
[6] Adventist Church Invests in Weapons of War, [ARTICLE, News]
[7] The Seventh-day Adventist Corporation: A For-Profit Company, [ARTICLE, News]
[8]a Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [ARTICLE, Official Document Translation]
[8]b Sex Change Surgery, ABORTIONS—Loma Linda University [DOCUMENT, Original (English) p.3, Parar. A, A1]
[a]1 ABORTION, The Policies of the “Seventh” Day Adventist Church [LINK, Official]
[b]1 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North [VIDEO,1:50:15]
[b]2 THE EDUCATE children of the devil — Allah, Adventist god: LGBT Perversion in Loma Linda [VIDEO,2:11:46]
[c] An Understanding of the Biblical View on Homosexual Practice and Pastoral Care — Position Paper, Theological Seminary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Spanish/English) (21 pages) [DOCUMENT, Official]
[d] OLIVER AND HIS MINIONS [4] — SATAN'S ELITE (1.2) “Noble Pretexts”, Esteban Bohr, Jesuit/Assassin [VIDEO,2:55:34]
[e]1 BABYLON “Seventh” Day Adventist, Part 1: The Ostrich Syndrome [VIDEO, 1:33:01] [VIDEO,2:27:33]
[e]2 “Seventh Day” Adventist BABYLON Part 2: Apologetic Distortion —Ted Wilson Jesuit [VIDEO,2:27:33]
[e]3 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 3: Worshiping Our god [VIDEO, 1:35:31]
[e]4 BABYLON Eighth-day Adventist Part 4: Returning Home, Following Our North [VIDEO, 1:50:15]
[L]4 Legal Section, Fair Use [LINK, CristoVerdad]

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