“COVID-19: Deadly Poison Injection”

Israel, Laboratory of the World

LANGUAGE | Spanish | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC]

Israel, World Lab

LANGUAGE | English | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC]

Israel, Laboratory of the World | ישראל, מעבדת העולמו

LANGUAGE | Hebrew | עִברִית | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC]

Israel, Laboratoire Mondial

LANGUAGE | French | French | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC]

Ισραήλ, παγκόσμιο εργαστήριο

LANGUAGE | Greek | Ελληνικά | Additional languages available when subtitles are activated [CC]

DESCRIPTION: The world-renowned family doctor, Dr. Vladimir Zelenco faces a panel of Jewish Rabbis, and takes them to the school of The Covid-19 Vaccine, defining it as “a deadly venous vaccine.”

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LINK, Kary Mullis and The Most Powerful Man on Earth [1] Kary Mullis and The “Most Powerful” Man on Earth
[VIDEO 00:02:40]
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