Do you want a photo? Give me your best pose.

This is Athena or Athena, daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom and war, in Greek “mythology.” Athens is “syncretized”—known, like the goddess Minerva in ancient Rome. [1]aThe goddess Athens, English [LINK, WIikipedia] [1 BThe goddess Athena or Athena [LINK, WIikipedia]

In other representations, Athena is presented holding in her right hand a small statue of Nike (Athena Nike), goddess of Victory. Athena Nike—in turn, gives rise to the famous brand of sports shoes and clothing, Nike. [2]a Nike, the history of the most famous logo in the world
[LINK, Brandemia]
[2]bNike, Registered Trademark
[LINK, Nike]
Also, the logo of this mega company is inspired by the shape of one of its wings. In our topic The Olympics, FOOTBALL, Sports and The New World Order (two parts) we cover the relevance of the goddess Nike in today's society, and how that affects your salvation. [3]aThe Olympics, FOOTBALL, Sports and The New World Order, PART 1 — And What Does the Bible Say? [VIDEO 2:14:54, CristoVerdad [3]bThe Olympics, FOOTBALL, Sports and The New World Order, PART 2 — And What Does the Bible Say? [VIDEO 3:09:58, CristoVerdad

Looking at the statues of both goddesses we can see something in common: both goddesses dress very fashionably, with costumes and poses that—well, what can we say, They don't go out of style!

Two goddesses, one god—Satan!

Greek “mythology” presents Athena as an eternal virgin, who rejects marriage, since she never had lovers nor did she marry. Virgin always virgin…. Does that sound familiar to you?

“The character of Athena occupied”—also, “an intermediate place between the masculine and the feminine.” [1 BThe goddess Athena or Athena [LINK, WIikipedia] We find all these qualities in the Romanism of yesterday and today, whether in one form—celibacy, or another—pedophilia and homosexuality. [4]aBishop compares apostles with gays in Colombia [VIDEO 00:02:15, Univision] [4]bWho am I to judge?' The Pope spoke about homosexuals – Univisión News [VIDEO 00:02:25, Univision] And when we say Romanism, we are saying “Christianity” in general, which includes “Protestantism,” since “we are all Catholics.” [5]END OF THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION, Corporate Ecumenism, Tony Palmer [VIDEO 00:11:33, CristoVerdad] [6]BLOOD ECUMENISM — 8 It's the New 7: Worship of the Sun God, The Adventist Church and Christianity. “WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC” [VIDEO 2:32:55, CristoVerdad]

The word of God says—

19And when we offered incense  to the queen of heaven , and we poured out libations to him, did we make cakes for him to worship him, and did we pour out libations to him, without the consent of our husbands? —JEREMIAH 44:19

Have you ever seen a catwalk show and noticed how the models dress, walk, and pose? Have you ever posed that way to take a photo? Well, you already know the origin and who you are worshiping.

The word of God already warned us—

8Be careful that no one deceives you through philosophy and vain subtleties, according to the traditions of men,  according to the rudiments of the world , and not according to Christ. —COLOSSIANS 2:8

While many worship the queen (goddess) of heaven today, worshiping traditions and COMMANDMENTS OF MEN—Sunday worship (MAT. 15:8-9, COL. 2:8), Today is a good day to worship the God creator of the heavens and the earth, on his holy day. (ISA. 56, GEN. 2:1-3)

Happy Saturday to all.


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)


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[7] Jesus “vs.” Paul and the Law: What Happened on the Cross [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8] Christ and His Law, According to the Adventist Church [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9] The Catechism of the Holy Council of Trent [STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10] The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language and El Sábado [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]
[11] The Mark of the Beast and The Microchip [STUDIO, CristoVerdad]

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