6And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a desirable tree to make one wise; and he took of its fruit, and ate; and she also gave it to her husband, who ate it as well as her. —GENESIS 3:6


1. This is how illness entered this world, eating what God said not to eat. Many do not associate the entry of sin with illness. But the wages of sin is death, and death is the greatest of all diseases. If God did not make man to die (GEN. 1:26-27), then we have that the fact that the man dies today is because he is sick, both physically and spiritually.

Once it is understood how to find the great treasure of health that millions have lost, it is time to pass the legacy on to the little ones. The purpose of these lessons has not been to teach how to eat what you should eat, but NEVER eat what you shouldn't eat. The rest is the responsibility of each person individually. There is a lot of information available to everyone on how to eat what God made to eat. (GEN. 1:29)

2. If adults are suffering from poor diet, children are no exception. They do not choose their diet, it is given to them by their parents. They are a temple under construction (1 COR. 6:19-20), but unfortunately they are being built in the generation of the worst builders.

3. If people could see in vision where they are taking their little ones, they would realize that it is no other path than that of death. Every candy, cookie, pizza, soda drink, and every type of animal product or processed food will take them to the grave at an early age. These things are added to the equally lethal technology to which they are exposed today. No one—absolutely no one—has a one percent idea of the things that have always been behind the animal food, the processed food, and the technology that feeds children's bodies and brains. Any poison would do less harm than all of these things.

4. A “Genesis” diet (Genesis 1:29) would ensure genetic health… The genes carry the code of Life, but they are all sick.

5. Only eternity will be enough to explain the damage caused to children. Children who are forced into the evil of adults in every sense. Children whose character there is no moderation thanks to poor nutrition. Today they are prepared to be ambassadors of death, and not repellents of everything that guarantees them the source of the greatest wealth, health. gluttonous creatures (DEUT. 20:20-21; LUK. 21:34) trained to eat garbage, and feel disgust for what really sustains Life: water, vegetables and fruits. They don't drink water, but sodas and processed juices. Death is always lurking. However, God did his part. He put water, oxygen, plants and light in greater quantities on the planet. There are other essential elements for life, but without the above the existence of man and animals would not last long.

6. The Master said:

14leave to children come to me, and do not prevent him; because  of such It is the kingdom of heaven. —MATHEW 19:14

7. That is Jesus' promise to children, but unfortunately most will not inherit it. Their little temples are not being cleansed with the divine nourishing broom. Jesus is not coming to them through the food he created. If she does not reach the Holy One of those little temples, much less the Holy One. Jesus' path to our hearts is a process that has an order. No step is avoided (Heb 9:8). He is that unleavened bread of the tabernacle and of the festival of unleavened bread (Ex 12:28; 35:13; Heb 9:2). If the bread, Jesus, does not enter the stomach, it does not enter the heart, the brain.

8. The high rate of death and illness among those who should represent vigor and health is alarming. Children are no longer the symbol of life and health. They also suffer from diseases that were once common in adults. “Tell me what you feed them, and I will tell you at what age and what they will die of!” Sadly, the blood of Christ (Rev 7:14), Christ himself, good nutrition, has closed doors in those temples. They are not being washed! Heaven was made for them, but it will not be theirs all.

9. On the other hand, the Unzha are a community located between China and Pakistan. Their diet, except in winter when they drink goat's milk, is purely vegetarian. The diseases that for us are as common as the sunrise and sunset, among them are stories that to believe, a good exercise of faith is needed.

10. At what age are Unzha Children born? Of the same that children do not Unzha. At what age do they die? There's the detail! It is better to talk about how long they live, because children there “don't die.” It is said that the average lifespan in that community is 115 years. This is extremely high compared to ours.

11. A doctor once told me that the Unzha lived to be 250 years. I don't doubt it, but it is difficult to prove it since in those places, people were born, lived and live without counting the years. The reality is that just as poor nutrition has its price, so does good nutrition. The Unzha, for centuries, have enjoyed that price. The payment—in health, has been very high. Centennial elderly people enjoying health as perfect as that of a child in the first years of life. A 50-year-old woman has nothing to send to a 15-year-old in Europe or America.

12. In Venezuela it is said, “What starts upside down ends up crooked.” Children are temples whose construction begins even before birth. What parents eat will lay the first bricks of that building.

6Train the child in his way [on the way to the tree of Life] (GEN. 3:24; REV. 22:2), And even when I was old [if the child's feet are not being directed towards the tree of life, good nutrition, “he will not grow old”] will not depart from him. —PROVERBS 22:6

13. It is impossible to deviate from a good path when you have taught yourself to walk along it, eat the fruits of its shores, and then see the final result, physical health and eternal salvation.

14. Healthy children are generally very active and this is because their little temples are constantly resting, and therefore, they have to expend a little of that energy. Why does it happen like this with them and not with the others? Why are there parents who move to a hospital from the birth of their children, but there are others who do go, only for visits? Because the food God gave works for the body, but the food that man has adopted puts the body to work.

15. Most of the things that enter the stomachs today are so contrary to nutrition that the brain detects them as viruses and immediately sends the alert signal to the corpuscles that, instead of resting in a healthy body, constantly work to fight the disease.

16. The healthy child has to play and run to get a little tired, but the sick child cannot do so since he lives in a temple that is tired all the time. He sleeps and sleeps, but he does not rest; Even if you don't do anything, your body inside is like an industry that works 24 hours a day. It is better to work all day when healthy than not to work while sick; the sick body is always tired.

17. If a child eats Genesis 1:29, there will never be lice on his head, the flies will not follow him, the mimes ignore him, and they are never bitten by mosquitoes. The pH [1]pH Definition
[LINK, Wikipedia]
For a child like this he is over 7; and seven is the number of the consummation of Life  (GEN 2:1-3; EXD. 20:8-11). His blood is clean. However, one that is below 7, any sore can breed worms. Its body is like rotten fruit to all insects. It is completely acidic. An acidic body is a completely sick body. When it is acidic then it shows the symptoms that man mistakenly calls diseases (cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cirrhosis...) but which in reality are symptoms of the only disease that exists, acidic blood.

18. We already know what to eat, now we must learn how to eat. If we teach our children well, if we have to die, the normal thing will happen, they, contrary to what happens today, will close our eyes.

And he said: I am God, the God of your father; Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you a great nation.
I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you back; and the hand of Joseph will close your eyes. —GENESIS 46:3-4

You already know the information, pass it forward. Let us protect the small temples of God, and let us not forget to take care of our own.


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)



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