Why does God generally say “KEEP MY LAW” and not be faithful or obey me?


The works of our hands and feet are governed by the internal thoughts that come from our heart or brain, which are determined by the food we eat. When Jesus says: “Keep my works” (REV. 2:26), It is connecting everything that has to do with those works, to the brain, the hands and feet.

When Peter refused to have his feet washed by Christ, after Jesus said: “You will have no part with me if I wash your feet” (JOHN 13:8)—

9Simon Peter said to him: Lord, not only my feet, but also hands and head. —JOHN 13:9

Peter wanted the three parts of his body where the Law of God was embedded, the head, feet and hands, to be washed.

After Jesus had washed his feet, he gave unleavened bread and pure grape wine to eat. (JOHN 13:30; MAR. 14:22); both, representations of the healthiest food and drink.

Keeping God's Law means keeping the most protected chamber of our lives, our heads, completely clean. It is to keep it free of all impurity so that the light that illuminates the Law written there—just as the light illuminated the Holy of Holies in the Ark (1 KINGS 13:49; 2 CHRO 4:20), does not have any impediment to penetrate through our physical and spiritual eyes.

Our head is that Ark that keeps the COVENANT—the Law of God (EXOD. 40:20) written in our mind, brain, or heart—the Tablets (2 COR. 3:3).

The skull that covers the brain or brain mass is the hardest and most resistant bone part of the body. The brain—the Tables of the Law, is the best kept place in the body. Keeping the Law of God is not forgetting it, it is always keeping it in mind.


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)



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