1My son, keep my reasons, And treasure my commandments with you.
2keep my commandments and you will live, And my law like the apple of your eye. —PROVERBS 7:12-3


Keep my Law and you will live It is the same as eating well and you will be saved. (PHIL. 3:18-19).

What God promises after keeping His Law—that is—in our case, eating well is the best food.

7He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers, I will give him to eat from the tree of life, which is in the middle of God's paradise. REVELATION 2:7 [See APOC. 2:17; 22:14]

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil—in fact, it represents the Law of God—

But they, like Adam, they crossed the pact; there they transgressed against me. —HOSEA 6:7

Why does God say keep my Law, and do not eat my Law? Because what is saved remains in one place, in the heart, but what is eaten is discarded by the body. (MAR. 7:19). Why—then do we eat from the tree of Life? Because it is life and Life stays in the body when we do not eat from the forbidden tree.

Once again, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the Law of God (ROM. 6:23, 1 JOHN 3:4, HOSEA 2:7).

Laws are what in society indicate what is correct and what is not. In God it is the same. The tree should not be eaten, it should be kept intact forever because the law should remain intact forever, because it is eternal. (PSALM. 119:152). Any type of poor diet is a violation of God's Law. A bad eating habit is the creation of an alien god instead of God (EXOD. 20:3; PHIL. 3:18-19); It is eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because when one eats from it, there is death (GEN. 2:17), and all death is the result of the violation of the law of God (1 JOHN 3:4).

Guard comes from guard, and the guard guards (ISA. 21:11-12). The tree was to be saved, not eaten. The tree of Life was food of life (REV. 22:14), but the other did not harm life, as long as it was not eaten. He represented all “food not fit to eat.” However, all food that sustains life will always be represented by a tree (REV. 2:7) or by the product of some plant, such as bread, for example (MAT 6:11).


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)



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