Elena Contradicts Scripture, Once More.


Series [1]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 1: Ellen, Satan, and the Adventist Church
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[2]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 2: The Truth of Others, The Numbers
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[3]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 3: The 1,260 Days
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[4]Elena White Under The Magnifying Glass, PART 4: To The Law or “THE TESTIMONIES”, a Public Challenge to Carlos Picart
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[5]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 5: Jaime
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[6]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 6: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (a)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[7]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 7: Jesus and the Holy of Holies (b)
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[8]Elena White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 8: The 34 Years
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[9]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 9: The First Day in THE Sanctuary
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[10]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 10: This is Enough for You Children of Darkness!
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[11]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 11: 1844 and The 2,300 Evenings and Mornings
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[12]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 12: The “SOLA SCRIPTURA” Not So Sola, Rafel Díaz and the Seventh-day Adventists
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]
[13]Ellen White Under the Magnifying Glass, PART 13: Plagiarism
[STUDY, CristoVerdad]



14 And he said: Until two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be purified.
26 The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been referred to is true; and you keep the vision, because it is for many days [of several prophecies given in this chapter, only the one of the 2,300 days says that it is for many days and not for the end]
27 I Daniel was broken, and I was sick for some days, and when I recovered, I attended to the king's business; but he was frightened because of the vision [2,300 afternoons and mornings], and I didn't understand it. DANIEL 8:14, 26-27


20 I was still talking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel [presenting the sins as the priest presented them once a year in the Holy of Holies], and I poured out my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God;
21 I was still speaking in prayer, when the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, flying with alacrity, came to me about the time of the evening sacrifice. [ninth hour, hour when Jesus died; time of the last sacrifice of the day, MAT. 27:45-50; After the ninth hour, come the hours of grace, the tenth and eleventh, 2 hours, because at the twelfth, comes the owner of the vineyard, MAT. 20:1-16].
22 and made me understand [he explained the vision, the 2,300 days, the prophecy that marks the final sacrifice for sins, and Daniel understood it, which means that he did not need any further explanation], And he spoke with me, saying, Daniel, now I have come out to give you wisdom and understanding. [so that he understands the prophecy]. […] —DANIEL 9:20-22


The next verse will be broken down line by line and word by word. …


(to) 23 At the beginning of your prayers the order was given, and I have come to show it to you. [2,300 afternoons and mornings], because you are very loved. So understand the order, and understand the vision [of the 2,300 days. It seems that “since Daniel didn't understand”, so Elena had to come and explain it, what a thing, NO!?].

(b) 24 Seventy weeks are determined upon your people and upon your holy city. [until there is your time of grace as a people; If it is day per year, it is 490 years; 4+9+0 = 13],

(c) to end the prevarication, and put an end to sin [SAI. 1:7; 2:14, COL. 1:14; 2:14] and atone for iniquity [erase, remove sins which was done like this: “And almost everything is purified, according to the law, with blood; and without shedding of blood there is no remission," HEB. 9:22].

(d) to bring lasting justice [eternal life given to all who accepted that sacrifice, ROM. 4:10], and seal the vision, and the prophecy [that is, finish and fulfill the prophecy of the 2,300 evenings and mornings], and anoint the Holy of holies. [THE HOLY HOLY PLACE ON EARTH, THAT IS, THE ARK OF THE COVENANT WHOSE BLOOD OF THE LORD WAS TO ANOINT HIM FOR THE LAST TIME IN HIS DEATH]. Sins are atoned for with the death of Jesus, [SAI. 1:7; CABBAGE. 1:14, No 1,813 years after his resurrectionn, as Ellen White says] —DANIEL 9:23-24


7 in whom we have redemption [atonement] through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace, —EPHESIANS 1:7

14 in whom we have redemption [atonement] for his blood [his death], the forgiveness [the removal] of sins. —COLOSSIANS 1:14

If the blood is what makes atonement, why is there talk of atonement on a date when almost 2,000 years had passed since the shedding of that blood that was for atonement, that is, 10-22-1844?


“The rocks broke,” Why Did Rocks Split?

25 And with his finger the priest shall take of the blood of the atonement, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out the rest of the blood at the foot of the altar of burnt offering. [JOHN 19:34],

30 Then the priest will take some of the blood with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and he will pour out the rest of the blood at the foot of the altar. [JOHN 19:34].

34 Then the priest will take some of the blood of atonement with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and he will pour out the rest of the blood at the foot of the altar. [JOHN 19:34]. —LEVITICUS 4:25, 30, 34


The rocks opened so that the blood, mixed with water, came down and anointed the ark of the covenant where it is hidden to this day, just below the place where Jesus was crucified. [5]aThe DNA of God and The Church, Part 1: The Genetics of the Creator
[VIDEO 1:22:04, CristoVerdad]
[5]bThe DNA of God and The Church, Part 2: The Genetics of His Woman
[VIDEO 1:53:16, CristoVerdad]

The blood of the covenant anointed the ark of the covenant on the same day it was shed. Christ as a symbol entered the holy of holies when he shed his blood, thus fulfilling the rite in which the priest took the blood and took it to the holy of holies on the same day that the little animal that represented Christ died.

25 Then he will slaughter the goat as an atonement for the sin of the people, and will carry the blood behind the veil inside, and he will do with the blood as he did with the blood of the calf, and he will sprinkle it on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat. —LEVITICUS 16:15


12 and not by the blood of goats or calves, but by his own blood, I enter once forever in the Holy of Holies, having obtained eternal redemption.
25 and not to offer himself many times, as the high priest enters the Holy of Holies every year with other people's blood. —HEBREWS 9:12,25

19 Which we have as a sure and firm anchor of the soul, and which penetrates even within the veil [EXD. 26:33; HEB. 9:3]
20 where Jesus entered [HEB. 9:12] for us as a forerunner, made a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. —HEBREWS 6:19-20


Let's calculate, Daniel 8:14

8+1+4 = 13
70 weeks are 490 days; 4+9+0 = 13

According to prophecy, the 70 weeks are fulfilled with the death of the Messiah, where the death sentence that we inherited from Adam ends. (GEN. 3:6; DAN. 9:24; EPH. 2:14; COL. 2:14). So, such a prophecy does not begin in 457 BC., but three years before, 454 A.C., because Christ did not die in 34 AD, but in 31 AD, and Stephen, who is said to have died in 34 AD, He was not the one who died for humanity (Acts 7:54). A king does not reject his people because they have killed one of his citizens, but when the people reject their king.


454 AC = 4+5+4 = 13

If we add 13+13+13 = 39; If we turn the 9 it is 6; This gives us 36, which in reverse is 63; 63 = 31.5+31.5

27 And for another week he will confirm the covenant with many; in the middle of the week he will make sacrifice and offering cease… —DANIEL 9:27

Christ died in 31.5 AD, as established by the numbers above.


When Christ began his ministry, the Passover he celebrated could not include the death of any animal, as it would have meant that he would kill himself. (DAN 9:26). Killing a small animal would symbolize suicide and not a sacrifice.

8 as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve [die, shed blood], and to give his life as a ransom for many [1 TIM. 2:6]. —MATHEW 20:28

The matter was like this: from his conception to his death, 34 years passed (LUK. 3:23). His blood anoints or purifies the Holy of Holies on earth (LEV. 4:34; 16:14-15; DAN. 9:24; JOHN 19:34)


After his death, 3 days later, Christ immediately ascends to the FATHER, to the Holy One in heaven, to the throne of God, and return (JOHN 20:17,24-29); When he returned, he lasted 40 more days with his disciples (Acts 1:3), and then he departed and was received into heaven where he sat at the right hand of his FATHER, in the Holy of Holies. (LUK. 24:51; HEB. 9:8,12, 25).

To say that Christ entered the HOLY PLACE in heaven by ascending after his resurrection is to affirm that the throne of God is or was in that place that disappeared when the veil was torn when Jesus died. (MAT. 27:47-50; HEB. 9:8).

Let's add—

34+3+40 = 77; Jesus, made man, is the 77th generation of God.

So, it would be 70 weeks until the last atonement (DAN. 9:24), but Elena says they were 328.5 weeks (3+2+8= 13; 13+5 = 18; APC. 13:18; 1813 years from 31 AD to 1844).

Who would give a more accurate prophecy from God, Ellen White or the Angel Gabriel?


“Come out of her, my people (APC. 18:4)


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