Our hands and legs have 10 fingers which are a simile of God's Law (Ten Commandments).


13And he announced his covenant to you, andwhich you he ordered it to be carried out; the ten [FINGERS]commandments, and wrote them in two[HANDS FEET] stone tablets. —DEUTERONOMY 4:13

In the Sanctuary, animal sacrifices were made in the atrium, behind the first door, which is the same as the patio. (EXOD. 27:9, 29:39)

Our body has exactly the same design as the Sanctuary (EXDO. 25). Hands and feet, the works and our walk in the court; the torso is the Holy Place; the head, the Holy One where the Ark is kept with the Tablets where God writes his Covenant—his Holy Law, our brain—

2Keep my commandments and you will live, And my law like the apple of your eye.

3Link them to your fingers; Write them in the table your heart. —PROVERBS 7:3

Until we understand that, we will not achieve nutritional perfection. And if we don't achieve it, we won't be saved either. We must understand that salvation was maintained as long as there was no violation in the diet (GEN. 3:6). In the Sanctuary, the sacrificed meat reached the courtyard—the atrium, but never entered the temple (LEV. 10:18; 6:16,26).

we are a temple (1 COR. 6:19). Our hands and legs represent the external works in the court—that is, the world. The torso represents that place where the stomach is, in which only healthy food should be or enter. Only bread without yeast made with the purest olive oil (EXD. 25:30; 29:23; NUM 28:5). But contaminated or animal food was not even close to it.

What entered the stomach of the temple or tent had to be something completely clean, since that food then arrived digested at the Holy of Holies (I speak in symbols). Everything that enters our stomach—the Holy Place, reaches the brain—the Holy of Holies). That bread was Christ (JOHN 6:48) which would then pass to the most guarded place, the Most Holy (HEB. 9:12).

Only through good nutrition can Christ come to search and dwell in the most guarded place of our temple or body. (1 COR. 3:16-17; 1 COR. 6:19-20)

23Above all things kept, guard your heart [your brain]; Because life flows from it [in it is where Christ, Life dwells (JOHN 14:6)]. —PROVERBS 4:23


“Come out of Ella My People…” (REV. 18:4)



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