Reforms must take place, for there has been spiritual weakness and blindness among the people who were blessed with great light and precious opportunities and privileges. (1889). —EUD, p. 49:2

There are many quotes that point to the Adventist Corporation as unfaithful.

If the church maintains this characteristic, it is still the people of God. If you don't have it, cheap defensive arguments are of no use before God.
God called Adventists, just as he called ancient Israel, to be a peculiar people.

Under this condition they would always remain the people of God. Losing this characteristic, they would cease to be their people and others would be called.
When we read the Word of God, how clearly it appears that his people must be peculiar and different from the unbelieving world around them.
—1 TI, p. 258:4

In both the Old and New Testaments, the Lord has definitely commanded his people to be different from the world in spirit, in works, in practice, so that it may be a holy nation, a peculiar people, in order to manifest the praises of him who called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. —In order to Know Him, p.310:3

“In the message of the third angel “We are a peculiar people.” No other religion was given this message.
The third angel's message is the one we must present to the world. In him God has a test for us, and if we measure up to the standard, We must be a peculiar people.  —2 JT, p.180:1

God wants us to learn humility and obedience as we read the history of ancient Israel, that they were his peculiar and chosen people, “but who caused their own destruction by following their own paths” —CRA, p.452:3

There is no doubt that the early Christians They were a peculiar people.

His impeccable conduct and his unwavering faith constituted a continuous reproach that disturbed the peace of the sinner.  —CS 50:1

The Adventist movement It was a peculiar town in its beginnings.

But is the Adventist church still being a peculiar town?

Will we choose the seal of the world, and its celebrations of pagan customs and traditions or Will we decide to be the peculiar and separated people for God? Will we get “Thus saith the Lord” instead of “Thus saith the man?”  —TM, p. 139

What has happened to the town who profess to be the peculiar people of God?
I saw the conformity with the world, the unwillingness to suffer for the truth and *notable rebellion before the will of God.*   —1 TI, p. 123

“The Adventist Church is no longer a peculiar people like ancient Israel, the church (the faithful) has dishonored its God by turning away from the light, neglecting its duties, and abusing the high and exalted privilege.” of being of a peculiar and holy character.  —2 TI, p. 393:2

“The heavenly principles that distinguish those who are one with Christ from those who are one with the world are almost indistinguishable.
The professed followers of Christ They are no longer a separate and peculiar people.
 —Words of Life of the Grand Master, p.256.

When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, He took the kingdom of God from them and gave it to the Gentiles.
God continues to work according to this principle in every branch of his work. When a church proves unfaithful to the work of the Lord, no matter how high and sacred its calling may be, God can no longer work with it.
 —Lift Your Eyes, p.129


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