Subtle and Deadly Deception


    Dr. Lorraine Day, exposes the deception of tests...


    Dr. Lorraine Day, exposes the deception of the swa...


    Le Dr Lorraine Day, expose the tromperie du test su...

  • More languages and subtitles on the way (audio)…

    DESCRIPTION: The renowned American doctor, Lorraine Day, exposes the deception of the swab tests used to diagnose Covid-19, and tells you that these tests are vaccines, since by getting vaccinated, you become a patented product.

    The evidence is presented, if you take the test you are getting vaccinated.

    US Supreme Court decision on cDNA patents (see pp. 1, 6, 9, 13, 19, 20)

    Article referenced by Dr. Lorraine Day. [2]Yes, they CAN vaccinate us through nasal test swabs AND target the brain (Biohacking P.1)
    [LINK, Silvieu Media]

    The Johns Hopkins University technology referenced in the article. [3]Johns Hopkins researchers take inspiration from parasitic work for medicine delivery
    [LINK, Johns Hopkis Univ.]

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