La Corporation des avorteurs du septième jour

 PART  [1] [2]2. Beyond 2020  Conference, Ottawa (Canada) — Preliminary Program
ADRA, Seventh-day Adventist Church Promote Abortion
[Document, CanWach]

DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive SRHR including Access to Abortion Canadian Conference. Celebrated the Hotel Westin Hontel in  the city of Ottawa, Canada (April 18-19, 2018).


1. Presentation (PDF) of the Conference Beyond 2020 — Participants [b] 1. Beyond 2020 Canadian — Participants

2. Preliminary Program given to the participants the Beyond 2020 Conference [c]1 2. Beydond 2020  Candian Conference — Prelimnary Program
[BILINGUAL, CristoVerdad]

These documents are provided originally by CanWaCH, Canadian Partnertship for Women and Children’s Health. Original documents (without tranlation) avialble below, Sources and Connections.

¡God bless you!

"Come out of her, my people…” (REV. 18:4)



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Et vous connaîtrez la vérité… —ChristVérité http:/ Go to home page

NOTES: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] lien vers le matériel supplémentaire. Les photos peuvent également élargir le contenu : vidéos, actualités, liens, etc.



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