The “Seventh”-day Adventist Catholic Church


DESCRIPTION: The Seventh-day Adventist church declares the church to be “Holy, Catholic and Apostolic”. What does that mean? Well, it means that if you are an Adventist you are a member of the Roman Catholic church, says the SDA church!

DOCUMENTS PRESENTED (PDF) [High Resolution for Print]

1. The Creed That Changed The World, by Walter “Bert” Beach 1971. Published by Pacific Press

RESOLUTION:  High 77.7MB[a]H The Creed That Changed The World. The Catholic “Seventh”-day Adventist Church
[BOOKS, SDA Church]
 | Low 15.5BM[a]L The Creed That Changed The World. The Catholic “Seventh”-day Adventist Church
[BOOKS, SDA Church]

Spanish Versions

2. El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 1971 by Walter “Bert” Beach, Libro [BOOK, SDA Church][비] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 1971 by Walter “Bert” Beach, Libro
[BOOK, SDA Church]

3.El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 2005 Study Guide [BOOK, SDA Church][씨] El Credo Que Cambió al Mundo, 2005 Study Guide
[BOOK, SDA Church]

We recommend downloading the higher resolution document for printing and on screen text search.

Extensive work on the Study Guide (SPANISH)—

4. El Credo Que Cambió a un Pueblo, La Iglesia Adventista, 2005 Study Guide [ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]  [디] El Credo Que Cambió a un Pueblo, La Iglesia Adventista, 2005 Study Guide
[ARTICLE, CristoVerdad]

You may use Google translator to access Spanish material.

These books are all produced and published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

WE RECOMMEND you watch the Following Videos—

Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity — Part 1

Transgenders, Sunday Worship, The SDA Church & Christianity — Part 2

¡God bless you!

Come out of her, my people…” (REV. 18:4)



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NOTES: Numbers in blue brackets [ ] 보충 자료 링크. 사진은 비디오, 뉴스, 링크 등의 콘텐츠를 확장할 수도 있습니다.



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